Welcome to Rogers & Elliott. Our experienced team of attorneys has represented clients throughout South Texas and the entire state for more than 50 combined years. We maintain close working relationships with local courts and judges to help our clients in a variety of civil cases.
Rogers & Elliott, PLLC
309 Water St., Suite 201
Boerne, TX 78006
The law changes every day. We stay on top of it.

CDC COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium – Video Discussion
CDC COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium – video discussion with Stephan B. Rogers and Jeremy Brewer, Vice-President of Risk Management...Read More

Commentary on the New Texas Realtors COVID-19 Addendum
The Texas Association of Realtors has just published a non-mandatory addendum form for use in conjunction with the TREC-approved...Read More

High School that Dismissed Cheerleader from Team for Private Tweets Not Liable for Violating Her Free Speech Rights
Teenagers are all over social media applications like Twitter, Instagram, and Snap Chat. They use these channels to chat, gossip,...Read More

Texas Realtor Advertising Rules: What License Holders Must Know to Avoid the Bite of the TREC Watchdog
We work extensively with real estate brokers and agents in a wide variety of contexts, including real estate disputes, complaints...Read More