Rogers & Moore Sponsors Hill Country Archery
Senior Associate Ross Elliott receiving first place in the traditional category at the recent Fletcha Brother’s tournament.
Rogers & Moore, PLLC is proud to have sponsored the Fletcha Brothers Archery Club during the 2019 3d season!
For those unfamiliar with 3d archery, archers shoot at a variety of life-like foam animals placed at varying distances along a course laid out in a natural setting. Scoring is loosely based on the areas targeted by hunters, with more points awarded to shots that would kill rather than wound an animal. Furthering the hunting facsimile, archers may only shoot one arrow per target, which makes for an interesting challenge given the variety of distances and settings. This challenge and the inclusive nature of the 3d archery community has made this sport one of the fastest growing tournament styles in the United States.
Fletcha Brothers has been organizing 3d archery tournaments in the hill country for several years and has experienced significant growth in that time. Success creates added legal responsibilities and Rogers & Moore was happy to help Fletcha Brothers with them. As Fletcha Brothers continues to grow, Rogers & Moore hopes to continue providing them with guidance, counsel, and legal assistance.