That Waiver IS Worth the Paper it’s Printed on
Liability waivers are ubiquitous in modern society. Concerts, sports events, museums, activity clubs, party rentals, and movies all incorporate them – if you’re enjoying yourself at a facility or on property owned by business or service provider, you’ve probably signed a waiver. Because waivers are so common, they are taken for granted and it is “common knowledge” that a waiver won’t prevent...Read More

An Introduction to Mediation: Alternative Dispute Resolution Where Parties Control Their Own Destiny
It is impossible to get through litigation without mediation; indeed, a conscientious lawyer won’t even get through his initial consultation with a client without mentioning mediation. This is no coincidence, as the vast majority of civil cases are settled before trial and a significant percentage of those settlements occur at mediation. So what is mediation, why is it so successful, and what...Read More